Our Practice is committed to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of disabled employees and visitors.
- The Managing Director is responsible for coordinating any special requirements for the disabled.
- Employees have received disability awareness training to enable them to assist whenever possible.
- Any special requirements for a disabled person e.g. information required in large print
braille or audio tape should be referred to the Managing Director. - Disabled car parking bays are marked at the main entrance. Kerb stones are lowered for easy access to the building.
- Electric opening doors are installed on the ground and first floor.
- Disabled toilet facilities are available in the building.
- A wheelchair access area is available at the ground floor reception desk.
- A wheelchair is kept on site if required to assist a patient.
- Lift access is provided to the first and second floors. Anyone wishing to be escorted in the lift should request this at the reception desk.
- Evacuation transportation chairs are available if required in an emergency and employees are trained to give assistance when necessary.
- The protocol is for employees to escort all visitors out of the building in the event of an Emergency Evacuation.
- A ‘Hearing Loop System’ is available at the main reception desk.
- A ‘Magnifier’ is available on request from the reception desk.
- A member of the reception team is trained in basic sign language skills.
- Guide/Hearing Dogs are welcome in the building. A practice guideline is in place regarding this.
- A Medical Communicator Guide service is available from CoHearentVision.
- People who are unable to see or read the electronic display board in the waiting area should inform the receptionist who will request the doctor / nurse to come out for them.
- The Practice welcomes feedback from users with special needs.
- The Partners commit to offering fair employment opportunities for disabled persons and ensure that employees with disabilities have equal opportunity to develop to their full potential.
Disabled visitors should not hesitate to ask a member of staff for assistance if required.