The main reason for the existence of Summary Care Record is emergency direct care purposes. For example, if you were admitted to hospital in a different part of the country this record would enable the doctors to see vital information about your care.
What is shared
At a minimum, the SCR holds important information about;
- current medication
- allergies and details of any previous bad reactions to medicines
- the name, address, date of birth and NHS number of the patient
The patient can also choose to include additional information in the SCR, such as details of long-term conditions, significant medical history, or specific communications needs. For more complex patients, it helps clinicians to understand the health needs of the person being looked after.
How is the data accessed
Access is restricted to NHS Smartcard holders in Hospitals, Out of Hours Services and GPs.
How is my consent given
Implied consent is expected regarding minimum SCR. For additional information an explicit consent is mandatory.
In any case you can contact the practice in person or via the consent questionnaire available on SystmOnline and change your consent status, sharing minimum, additional information or nothing. It is your choice.
How do I get more information
You can visit the NHS Care Records website.