Access – January
For two weeks in January we are looking at issues surrounding Access. We are well aware that there are challenges on both sides; there is no magic bullet. But there are ways both the Surgery and its patients can make the most out of the resources we have available. And that’s what we are trying to achieve. We desperately want to be able provide as much care as possible for our patients.
During these two weeks we will be sending out messaging on our website and our Facebook and twitter profiles highlighting different services available. Some healthcare issues can be dealt with by other community services e.g., Physiotherapy, Pharmacists. Using these other services appropriately frees up GP appointments for those with more complex needs. We will also be promoting what we are doing to improve access. There will be volunteers from our Patient Reference Group (PPG) circulating in our waiting area during this time to provide advice & information regarding local services.
Thank you in advance for engaging with us in this endeavour and for continuing to use our services appropriately and letting us know when you are not able to attend appointments, so they can be offered to other patients.
Kind regards, The Partners.