Free Mental Health Support in Leeds

Adults from 17 years +

Leeds IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) is a group of mental health care providers from the NHS and third sector, comprising of:

Leeds Community Health Care NHS Trust
Community Links
Northpoint Wellbeing
The organisations work in partnership together to provide assessments and a range of treatments for people with common mental health problems. These may include stress, depression, anxiety, post- traumatic stress and panic. We see adults from the age of 17 upwards.

Once you access the service, you can be seen by a clinician from any one of the partner organisations.

In Addition

If you are from a BME community, you can access specific services direct from Touchstone by calling 0113 216 3000.

If you are aged between 17 and 21 years, Community Links offer a specific service which can be accessed by calling 0113 200 9188

Click here for more information.

For Children and Young People

Anonymous Online mental counselling and wellbeing service for children and young people.

Online service available Monday to Friday 12pm to 10pm and Saturday to Sunday 6pm to 10pm

For more information visit

Leeds Bereavement Forum

The Leeds Bereavement forum works to develop and improve bereavement services in Leeds by providing up-to-date information, training opportunities, events and conferences.

For more information visit


Adults 18+

MindWell is the mental health website for adults in Leeds.  The website provides quick and easy access to information about services in the city, self-help tools and techniques to help for what to do in a mental health emergency.

 The website also has a section for professionals.  This includes:

  • Resources for GP’s
  • Resources for employers
  • Resources for practitioners and wellbeing professionals

Click here to find out more

  • Mind website – see page on Coronavirus and your mental wellbeing:


For Children and Young Adults  (12-25 years)

Celebrating its 50th birthday this year (June 2019), MindMate is a dedicated mental health and emotional wellbeing website for young people (age 12-25), Parents and Professionals who work with young people. The website has a number of resources and information on where to go for support.

For more information please visit the link below.



Need to Talk? 

  • Call Samaritans Tel: 116 123, night and day all year. Who provide emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope or at risk if suicide.
  • Email response time is 24 hours
  • Write; Chris, Freepost RSRB-KKBY-CYJK, PO Box 9090, Stitling FK82SA
  • Tel: 0330 094 5717 – 9.00 am -9.00 pm every day if in Leeds

Click here to visit their website

Teen Connect
For young people (13 – 18 years)

If you’re in crisis, call the Teen Connect helpline. This is open from 6pm to 2am every night of the year.

You can call on 0808 800 1212 or send a text to 07715 661559

The Market Place

For Children and Young Adults (11-25 years) 

Offer a range of services including one to one support, counselling, group-work and our drop-in.    All of these services are delivered by the Youth Work Service and Counselling Services.

For further information, visit

Parents and Parents-to-be

All Ages

Having a baby brings a number of emotions, mostly positive ones, but some new mums and their partners can feel low or anxious and experience problems with their emotional wellbeing.

The MindWell website has a dedication section which shows what support is available for mums and their partners; this includes access to online resources as well as information on where to go for support.

If you’re a young parent or a parent –to-be who is struggling with your emotional wellbeing, there is support available for you to access.

Visit the MindMate website ( for more information and to see what support is available in Leeds for young parents before and after birth.

OWLS (Overcoming Worry, Loss and Sadness) Bereavement Service

For Children (4 – 11 years)

Owls offers practical and emotional support for primary school aged children and their families who have experienced the death of a loved one.

They have four strands of interventions: direct one-to-one bereavement therapy, family supoort, schools workshops and peer support activity days.

For further information, visit

Or call 0113 433 3737 / email


SHOUT website

This is a 24/7 service which people can text ‘Shout’ to 85258 if they are struggling.


Call LYPFT Crisis Assessment Service 0300 300 1485


Useful Apps for Self Harm

Calm Harm (NHS Recommended)

Calm Harm is a free app to help teenagers manage the urge to self-harm. Available on Google Play & App Store.

DistrACT(NHS app)

Who is it suitable for?

Anyone over the age of 17 who’s concerned about self-harming.

How does it work?

The distrACT app aims to help you better understand urges to self-harm, and encourages you to monitor and manage your symptoms. It can also help reduce the risk of suicide.

Blue Ice (NHS Recommended)

BlueIce is an evidenced-based app to help young people manage their emotions and reduce urges to self-harm.

Useful Support Apps

Side by Side (Not  NHS Recommended) – Mind Charity

Side by Side is a supportive online community where you can feel at home talking about your mental health and connect with others who understand what you are going through.

TalkLife (Not NHS Recommended) –

Life isn’t always smooth sailing, but you’re not alone! At TalkLife you can instantly meet supportive people who actually care and want to listen! Share what’s on your mind and get the help you need today! Meet new friends who really get you, You’re not alone!

MeeTwo (NHS Recommended) – For Teenagers –

The MeeTwo app provides a safe and secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives. You can anonymously get advice from experts or other teenagers going through similar experiences in areas such as mental health, self-harming, relationships and friendships.

Useful Mindfulness Apps

Catch it (NHS Recommended) –

Feeling Good: positive mindset (NHS Recommended) –

 Headspace (Not found on the NHS apps library but recently NHS promoted access for its staff during COVID-19)

Calm (Not on NHS app library)

Aura (Not on NHS App Library) Https://

MyLife (formerly known as Stop, Breathe & Think) (not in NHS app Library)